Graceland serves the poorer farming community in the outskirts of Stellenbosh by providing a preschool to stimulate over 60 children who might otherwise be left at home alone or on the streets.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July News

The children waiting for the show to start!

This month Graceland was blessed an opportunity to go see Disney On Ice at Cape Town International Convention Centre and it was all sponsored by Travelstart South Africa.

This was an amazing outing. The staff, the children and some of the children’s parents who chaperoned couldn't talk about it enough. For most of the parents and children who went, it was the first time they were in Cape Town. One of our teacher's responsed: "It was fantastic because it was so real and professional.  All the characters remind us of our childhood days and for the children it was something new. They knew some Disney characters but some was really new to them. The lights, the ice, everything amazed us all."

The parents were overwhelmed with appreciatiton of what Travel Start did for their children. It was something that they feel they could never afford to send their children to. Being able to experience something like this with our children is a privilege. The children were so amazed by everything they saw. They wanted to touch and go and see everything. It was like watching a little bug follow the light!

We are so grateful to Travelstart for this once in a lifetime opportunity. Our children will forever remember their adventures to Cape Town and if the forget, I'm sure the parents will remind them.

We hope that this outing will be one of many more like them that will show our children that anything is possible and you can go anywhere you want to. Our desire for them is that they dream big and this outing has shown them that there is a bigger world out there. Thank you Travelstart for partnering with us in helping our children dream BIG!